Smart Agrifood AI

Thursday 19 / September / 2024


Inaugural Event

Panel: Round Table

Digital Transformation in the Agri-Food Industry

Call for Papers

Exhibition of the papers presented at the Congress.

Area for the exhibition of the works selected by the SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE.

Round Table

Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture: Experiences of the Future


Demonstration area of technology companies on the application of Artificial Intelligence in the agrifood chain.

Colloquium Talk

Use cases of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture and Farming

Irina Moreno Imartí

Coordinadora de tecnologia Agroalimentaria.

Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Agroalimentaria Y Biosistemas de la

Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña. Barcelona Tech

B2B Space

Match #AgrifoodIA

A meeting place for entrepreneurs and investors to get to know new business ideas and possible investment opportunities.

Conference: AI in the agri-food chain: cybersecurity.

Round talk

Experiences of the use of Artificial Intelligence in Europe

Networking Lunch

Colloquium Talk

Data spaces: An opportunity for Agriculture and Livestock.

B2B Space

Match #AgrifoodIA

Espacio de reunión entre los emprendedores e Inversores para conocer nuevas ideas de negocios t posibles oportunidades de inversión.


Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence

Round Table

Innovación y emprendimiento en el sector agroalimentario.

Official Reception for VIP guests

Friday 20 / September / 2024


Inspirational conference

Artificial Intelligence and its impact

Inspirational conference

Attacks and Food Cybersecurity

Round Table

The challenge of Artificial Intelligence from the promotion. of talent, agri-food logistics and supply chain: from farm to fork.


Demonstration area of technology companies on the application of Artificial Intelligence in the agrifood chain.

Round Table

Artificial Intelligence applications in nutrition and food safety

Inspirational conference

For VET students on the use of Artificial Intelligence taught by AI experts.

Salon Mudejar

Elevator pitch

International Artificial Intelligence Startup Competition

Entrega de premios

Closing Ceremony and Conclusions